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Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

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Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Poll ended at Thu 2018.07.12, 03:16

I quit playing MMORPGs
I find it extremely difficult to answer this question *THINK*
Total votes: 9

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Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Postby KAMIKADzE » Tue 2018.06.12, 03:16

This question should be rather self-explanatory, but just in case:
  • Upcoming MMORPG = MMORPG that was NOT released yet. This excludes expansions and re-releases. This includes MMORPGs in early development phase, that might get cancelled.
  • Plan to play =/= 100% going to play (titles that you'll play if they'll end up as what you expected them to).
  • MMORPGs that you're just looking into (watching trailers, reading news, etc.), but don't plan to play as of today = "No".

Basically I've just checked news and rumors on the "new" MMORPGs in development, and it all looked dark and grim to me (this is a recurring theme, for me, for quite a while), so I decided to post this poll to check if I've just completely fallen out of trend =D or there are more people in the same boat with me.

There's only 1 MMORPG (MMOARPG), that I'm looking forward to - Lost Ark, but I don't plan to play it as of now. Don't want to turn this post into a wall of text, nor change anyone's mind regarding this title, so I'll just skip the explanation *NNN*

If you're going to vote "Yes" it would be also nice if you could reply with the name(s) of MMORPG(s) that caught your eye + what exactly interested you.

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Re: Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Postby LithStud » Tue 2018.06.12, 07:48

Only one i was remotely interested was Dauntless :) and that one released (cant call it mmorpg tho), other than that nothing (well Lost Ark looks interesting but hell knows when it would be available in EU) *ONIONSMOKE*

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Re: Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Postby KAMIKADzE » Tue 2018.06.12, 12:02

LithStud wrote:Only one i was remotely interested was Dauntless :) and that one released (cant call it mmorpg tho), other than that nothing (well Lost Ark looks interesting but hell knows when it would be available in EU) *ONIONSMOKE*

I guess you can call it MMO to some extent, unless I'm missing something, it's just an instanced MMORPG with a "lobby" and a "hub world" (like Vindictus, C9, etc.).
Lost Ark's release date is the least of my concerns, I just feel like they try too hard to combine all of the isometric MMORPGs and RPGs into 1 along with some restrictions that don't go well with that. Don't want to bash it too hard, maybe they'll tackle it somehow, but so far it seems like they're doing completely opposite.

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Re: Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Postby LithStud » Tue 2018.06.12, 12:06

KAMIKADzE wrote:
LithStud wrote:Only one i was remotely interested was Dauntless :) and that one released (cant call it mmorpg tho), other than that nothing (well Lost Ark looks interesting but hell knows when it would be available in EU) *ONIONSMOKE*

I guess you can call it MMO to some extent, unless I'm missing something, it's just an instanced MMORPG with a "lobby" and a "hub world" (like Vindictus, C9, etc.).
Lost Ark's release date is the least of my concerns, I just feel like they try too hard to combine all of the isometric MMORPGs and RPGs into 1 along with some restrictions that don't go well with that. Don't want to bash it too hard, maybe they'll tackle it somehow, but so far it seems like they're doing completely opposite.

on Dauntless its more like co-op i would say xD as you can do 4 man team and then there is afcourse hub (but even that one is instanced).

I have see someone play in closed beta of Lost ark korean version. looked fun (tho i am not a fan of locked in place while doing ability combat - got spoiled by guild wars 2 in that aspect =D ) its pretty much diablo with nicer graphics =D

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Re: Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Postby KAMIKADzE » Tue 2018.06.12, 12:41

LithStud wrote:I have see someone play in closed beta of Lost ark korean version. looked fun (tho i am not a fan of locked in place while doing ability combat - got spoiled by guild wars 2 in that aspect =D ) its pretty much diablo with nicer graphics =D

Tree of Savior+Diablo+PoE+Ragnarok+Silverfall+NWN+... and the list goes on and on =D there's a bit of everything, but having a bits from here and there doesn't make the game automagically good.

As for the combat - I haven't seen anything better than what C9 has to offer (that's what you can call spoiled), probably would play it occasionally up to this day, if there was any server with relatively low latency that isn't under Webzen. If you haven't seen C9 - just check out PvP (3rd) video in THAT post, it's better than a thousand words =D .

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Re: Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Postby LithStud » Tue 2018.06.12, 13:05

KAMIKADzE wrote:
LithStud wrote:I have see someone play in closed beta of Lost ark korean version. looked fun (tho i am not a fan of locked in place while doing ability combat - got spoiled by guild wars 2 in that aspect =D ) its pretty much diablo with nicer graphics =D

Tree of Savior+Diablo+PoE+Ragnarok+Silverfall+NWN+... and the list goes on and on =D there's a bit of everything, but having a bits from here and there doesn't make the game automagically good.

As for the combat - I haven't seen anything better than what C9 has to offer (that's what you can call spoiled), probably would play it occasionally up to this day, if there was any server with relatively low latency that isn't under Webzen. If you haven't seen C9 - just check out PvP (3rd) video in THAT post, it's better than a thousand words =D .

Tried C9 (EU version it hink) Didnt like it, and i have a particular dislike to PvP games =D for me its all about PvE :)

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Re: Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Postby KAMIKADzE » Tue 2018.06.12, 14:25

LithStud wrote:Tried C9 (EU version it hink) Didnt like it, and i have a particular dislike to PvP games =D for me its all about PvE :)

EU/US/SEA are all run by Webzen, and are basically the same thing on the different servers. As far as I know, there are also JP and TH servers run not by Webzen.
There is no forced PvP, it has a nice PvE, and everything was soloable when I played. Obviously all downsides of an instanced MMORPG with a "hub world" apply. But surely the most satisfying part is a diverse PvP.
I'm not advocating for it, just saying that it has best combat mechanics up to this day (from a fantasy standpoint with PvP and PvE included, inb4 someone mentions upcoming Mordhau).

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Re: Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Postby 黒い剣士 » Tue 2018.06.12, 18:30

Mordhau looks amazing, but it is not MMO and does not have character progression, it will get repetitive quickly.

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Re: Is there any upcoming MMORPG that you're looking forward to and plan to play?

Postby KAMIKADzE » Tue 2018.06.12, 18:49

黒い剣士 wrote:Mordhau looks amazing, but it is not MMO and does not have character progression, it will get repetitive quickly.

Not necessarily, from what I know they plan to add various battlefields and allow mods. You could compare their plan to MOBA with mods (e.g. DoTA2) that are quite successful these days.
As for not being MMO - well it's developed by new dev studio called "Triternion" with quite limited amount of resources. If Mordhau will be successful for them and there will be a demand for MMORPG in this style, I don't see any reasons why such MMORPG wouldn't be possible with their current engine or its next gen.

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