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Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Thu 2017.08.17, 22:51
by jicsmart
In My opinion
KR game client don't need *.loc or other translation files.
anyway,I guess the "tmp" in stringtable folder just left-over files for testing new language to south east asia bdo server.(translate kr to ind & kr to th)

umm... new update able to use stringtable files again :( *CRYGIRL*

ps. TW has these files and folder too.


Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Sun 2017.09.03, 20:25
by 100sual
Hello. Well, even if the stringtable_kr is used again, the game only searches for old texts in it. The new ones, like new settings, it reads from somewhere else. Since if you remove the stringtable, it will remain only with the new texts. I can not tell when, but .bbs files have also been added. It has a stringtable between them as well. By hexadecimal editor to see that the entire interface is inside, but the game also does not reflect for them (maybe in the future?). The fact is that I have no idea where the game is getting the interface texts (in datasheets.bexcel does not appear to be). = _ = I need a solution that does not come from China. It does not seem right to charge for something that does not have the legal rights. Even if they are working hard, it is still making money on what you are not allowed to edit.

Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Sun 2017.09.03, 20:44
100sual wrote:Hello. Well, even if the stringtable_kr is used again, the game only searches for old texts in it. The new ones, like new settings, it reads from somewhere else. Since if you remove the stringtable, it will remain only with the new texts. I can not tell when, but .bbs files have also been added. It has a stringtable between them as well. By hexadecimal editor to see that the entire interface is inside, but the game also does not reflect for them (maybe in the future?). The fact is that I have no idea where the game is getting the interface texts (in datasheets.bexcel does not appear to be). = _ = I need a solution that does not come from China. It does not seem right to charge for something that does not have the legal rights. Even if they are working hard, it is still making money on what you are not allowed to edit.

At the moment IDK if KR client uses something else for localization, I have a 100% confirmation that it uses expected files for localization (stringtable_kr, datasheets.bexcel mentioned by you + other 2 xlsm files), but that's pretty much all I know.
External patching of datasheets doesn't work and crashes the client, so the only way is to implement repacking, which isn't implemented in Launcher yet, neither is the backwards conversion from full languagedata to datasheets, and I have no idea on when I'll have time to sit and code all of that, cause as of now I don't.

Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Fri 2017.09.15, 22:35
v0.7b20....Currently nothing is changed to English.
It is sad because nobody is providing English patches for Korean version. :'(

Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Fri 2017.09.15, 23:15
MIRA wrote:v0.7b20....Currently nothing is changed to English.
It is sad because nobody is providing English patches for Korean version. :'(

From the received feedback - EN patch can be done with v0.7b20, but it'll be an extreme task to do. As of now I'm slowly working on converter(s) that will help with this task, but I won't give any ETA.

P.S. For example here is a progress on "stringtable", an excerpt from result (first few entries from GAME sheet):
단계가 오르면 기술의 시전속도가 빨라집니다.\n(<PAColor0xFFFFF3AF>적용 직업 : 소서러, 발키리, 위자드, 위치<PAOldColor>)
알 림
{itemName}의 효과를 적용하시겠습니까?\n<PAColor0xFFF26A6A>잠재력 돌파 기본 확률이 0일 때만 사용할 수 있습니다.<PAOldColor>
이제부터 PVP가 가능합니다. 화면 중앙 하단에 있는 칼과 방패 아이콘을 누르면 이제부터 PVP가 가능합니다. 다른 사람을 죽이면 성향이 떨어져 불이익을 받을 수 있습니다.
\n\n확인을 누르면 캐릭터가 삭제됩니다. \n삭제된 캐릭터는 복구가 불가능합니다. \n\n<PAColor0xFFE49800>{character_name}<PAOldColor> 캐릭터를 삭제하시겠습니까?
번트 교관 추천 교본, '사나운 짐승의 연속 기술'!\n[기술] 창에서 더 큰 영상으로 확인할 수 있습니다.
※ 주 의
엑시언 방패를 개량하여 홍염의 엑시언 방패, 파괴의 엑시언 방패, 유혹의 엑시언 방패, 극 엑시언 방패를 제작할 수 있습니다.
조련 목표
잘 했어~. 이제 회복제를 준 녀석에게 <{KeyBind:Interaction}>키로\n말을 걸면 의뢰가 완료될 거야. 어서 가봐~
지식 책장을 만드시겠습니까?\n\n선택한 주제에 포함된 지식이\n무작위로 <PAColor0xFFF26A6A>삭제<PAOldColor>되어 책장으로 <PAColor0xFF88DF00>제작<PAOldColor>됩니다.

I'll structure it into xml format. As you can see it has similarities of both data v1 and data v2, so most likely I'll add converter to convert between all 3 formats at some point. But as I've already mentioned - I won't give any ETA.

Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Sun 2017.09.17, 17:20
by 100sual
Very cool! Now it will be possible to resuscitate translations \ o / Thanks a lot! *lol*

Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Thu 2017.09.21, 03:50
by jicsmart
Today updates, Kr back to use prestringtable/kr/stringtable files again.(except languagedata)
(datasheet.bexcel come back again too.)
This mean 0.6h4 still useful.

ps. IDK why....?

Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Thu 2017.09.21, 05:51
by 100sual
My God, why change the game data and go back to the old one? Can not understand. The many hours I spent creating a program to extract and redo the bss is gone. = _ = Back to bexcel repaker creation ...

Well, it was back in the files, but did you check if the game even re-used bexcel? The bss are still in paz 5399. Perhaps given some problem in the bss and they have temporarily disabled.

Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Thu 2017.09.21, 06:14
by jicsmart
HOnestly Just guess.
from lastweek no *.bexcel and look something in Log file compare to this day.

Re: OMG...KR, LanguageData can not be reflected

Posted: Thu 2017.09.21, 15:14
by 100sual
Maybe they discovered some glitch / bug / hack in the new data form, and decided to backtrack to .bexcel until the bug fixes. I don't see other reason.