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Happy New 2024 Year!

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Blood Mage
Blood Mage
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Happy New 2024 Year!

Postby KAMIKADzE » Sun 2023.12.31, 08:00

Ending 2023 Year has seen a lot of changes, both good and bad.
Our forum is adless for quite some time already, removing google ads has also impacted the discoverability on Google (rather significantly, albeit all of the highly-ranked search positions and niche ones remain unchanged, at least for now), yet somehow the amount of unique visitors hasn't changed much, and it's not like our discoverability on DuckDuckGo or other search engines has improved, makes me wonder how you manage to find us guys.
Launcher has improved significantly over the past Year, but it did not receive as many new features as I wanted it to. All of the plans regarding Launcher are still in place, some of the crypto tools are just one step away (just a hint on the upcoming v0.8e), but as of today it doesn't seem like I'll have a lot more time for Launcher in 2024.
Black Desert has stepped on a path of total revamp, which I am personally not a fan of (at least it might fix a lot of broken stuff...or it might break more), the game has changed a lot and quite fast, if devs will manage to keep such a high pace - I do wonder how it will impact the playerbase. Since the Lost Ark exodus, it feels like devs have found some social engineering AI and they are just playing with it, testing on us =D
As for IRL, well...there were way too many changes to mention them all and yet I can't pick some worthy to be mentioned over the others. There is one thing I'm certain about - I'd like to see less changes in the upcoming 2024, someone slow down the world *%BOY*

As always, thank you for continuing to be a part of our DoTA community. Special thanks to LithStud for continued self-devotion to BDO community.

My best wishes and Happy New Year, to all of our forum members and visitors! See you in the next year *THUMBUP*
Happy New 2024 Year! *FIREWORK*

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