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28-29.04 2 hours Maintenance

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28-29.04 2 hours Maintenance

Postby KAMIKADzE » Wed 2024.04.24, 20:56

Maintenance is scheduled to start at approximately 2024.04.28 23:00 UTC and should last for up to 2 hours. During this period of time our server will be down (which means that DoTA forum will be inaccessible, although the cached pages should still be available for view only) for an upgrade. Maintenance start can be postponed by the host, and they claim that in the worst case scenario it can be postponed for up to 10 hours (it should last no more than 2 hours regardless of when it'll start), so don't plan on posting some lengthy guides during Sunday night *ROFL* (but in all seriousness, if you'll want to post something during that time - make sure to save the copy of your text somewhere, before trying to post).

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