Ending 2024 was kind of difficult for me, so there isn't much that I'd like to recap this time.
As I've anticipated I didn't have a lot of time for Launcher in 2024, even more so than I expected. Let's hope that the world will be less troublesome in the next year, allowing me to spare more time on Launcher.
It was probably the first year, since I've started playing Black Desert, that I felt it kind of difficult to keep up with the pace (IRL definitely did add up to that, but still), so the devs did manage to keep the high pace, with changes and tests on us, which did impact the playerbase, as I predicted, with a noticeable downwards trend. Even after the FESTA, I still feel like the devs are out of touch with the playerbase, but at least they kind of acknowledged it, to an extent, and even managed to bring some players back + ignited some of the content creators, so let's hope that they'll be more aware of what they do going onwards.
As always, thank you for continuing to be a part of our DoTA community. Special thanks to LithStud for continued self-devotion to BDO community.
My best wishes and Happy New Year, to all of our forum members and visitors! See you in the next year