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Launcher Network

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Launcher Network

Postby KAMIKADzE » Tue 2021.01.12, 10:13

Today I decided to unveil some of the Launcher Network functionality, just to keep it out there and for you to know what's coming in the future. Do note that all of the following is not a finalized description but more of a concept, so some things might change before release. No release dates for now.

What is a Launcher Network? I have mentioned it a few times here and there, but for the most part I kept it away. The idea to make it started quite a few years ago, but I knew I wouldn't have time to make it so I didn't bother to introduce it, not because it's some kind of top secret project =D . Launcher Network is a combined name for a group of functionalities that will work on the same custom network - Launcher Network, hence the name. Let me firstly introduce you to planned functionality of Launcher Network and then we will move to how it operates and its discoverability.

ID. To identify yourself in the network everyone will need and ID. This ID will consist of Name, Password and Key Number, all of this combined will provide a rather unique ID, which will be extremely difficult to guess and make a fake-impersonation. This ID will not be tied to Launcher or any specific device, so you'll be able to login from any other Launcher client, as well as throw away your ID and use a new one.

Local encryption. Name and Password of your ID, apart of identification, will be used to encrypt data locally. This data includes, and is not limited to: Key Number, other passwords, AOTPs (already introduced in Launcher, but is currently unencrypted) and some other data that you would like to hold in encrypted state. At start I will not make it changeable, so if you'll decide to throw away your previous ID you'll firstly have to pull out all of the important data and input it to the new one.
Please note that I don't plan to make it a fully-featured-ultra-secure password manager, at least at start. While it will have some functionality for this I would not recommend to hold there passwords for your bank or things of that nature.

Messenger. It will be a very basic, yet secure messenger, which will operate over Launcher Network. You'll be able to communicate with other on-line Launcher Network members. I haven't decided yet how I'll restrict handshaking to prevent spam and things of that nature, but there will be some need to approve each other before you'll be able to text. In the future I might add file sharing and other things, but it's not in plans for now. Security will be granted by the network itself (more on that later below) and encryption. There will be 2 encryptions, not really sure how to call them, basically there will be the default Launcher Network encryption, which will be used by default (this is in order to prevent clear texting between unfamiliar newly-met people and those that find such things difficult to understand) + you'll have an option to configure custom encryption, which only you and your addressee will know.

Signing. You'll be able to sign any text and files with your ID, which will prove to your recipient that it's you who wrote text or made the file, and they'll be able to verify that, without knowing your Password or Key.

Cryptocurrencies. For now the plan is to roll out Launcher's currency, which for now is called Invo (name might change in the future), and after it will work and operate as expected I'll add the ability to operate your own currencies over the network. Unlike other blockchains with "similar" functionality - other currencies will be a fully-fledged and independently-operational currencies (no tokens, no gases, no contracts and other crap). Since they will be independent you'll need to make other people accept your currency, which they might decide not to, thus saving their bandwidth and computational powers, no one will be forced to operate with your custom currency.
Now regarding Invo - it (and other currencies for that matter) will use previously mentioned ID to identify users. Invo will use "infinite data structure", which is either unique in cryptocurrencies or at least I have never hear of anything like that. Infinite data structure resolves the issue of future-proofing the "messages and blocks" by allowing infinitely big data, thus it will never overflow and reach "the end" of possible transactions or any part of those. It might be difficult to understand for average user so I'll try to simplify the explanation a bit - imagine that you have a limited length of possible number combinations, at some point you'll reach the end and it will make that field unusable (the good examples are y2000, y2038, y9999 problems), most of the current cryptocurrencies have this problem, it's not currently a problem simply due to small amount of operations, but when the usage will increase enormously developers will need to intrude by expanding the length of the data and every user will be forced to update and rely on developers in order to continue using their cryptocurrency. Basically there will be no such problems in Invo as it will be infinitely-scalable, that will of course increase the storage and bandwidth use over time, but so will any other "updated currency".
Most of the cryptocurrencies are centralized in one way or another, apart of maybe Holochain (don't know any other truly-decentralized), which is a beast of its own and I won't be explaining here why, and why it's not really a currency as such. I want to make Invo truly-decentralized by operating it over Launcher Network (more on that later in Discoverability section below). At the same time I don't want to support operations of mining farms, wasting resources and computational powers, thus for now I plan to make it operate in some form of Proof-of-Stake Blockchain. I was looking into DAGs, Block-Lattices and other available technologies, which do increase through-output, making operations faster, but they do that at a cost of less secure integrity, and I'm not happy with that, hence the reason why I opted for Blockchain (at least for now, who knows what future will bring us and what I'll end up with, but be sure that security and integrity is my priority). Few more words regarding Proof-of-Stake - many people have valid concerns about it, since PoS cryptos have network operation fees, which leads to some form of centralization as the more money entity has on hands the more control over the network it has and it earns even higher and higher parts of fees, thus inevitably leading to concentration of money in "single hands" making rich richer and leading to 51% capital holding, thus inevitably making someone to fully-control the network. This will not be that much of a concern for Invo as there will be NO FEES, surely someone can still buy-out all of the Invo in the network, but at that point people might simply jump to next Invo2 currency (which will perfectly operate on the same network) and abandon super-holder with his money. At the start though it will be somewhat centralized by me, to prevent early attacks on the Invo and for the reason that I'll own all of the Invo at start (I still haven't decided on the max number, most likely I'll end up with max unsigned int or something like that). There will be no mining involved, as I don't want Invo to become a speculation or holding assets, like most of the crypto in the world is, but rather an daily-use currency. Initial money will be used to:
  • Cover the development costs. If it'll succeed I'll be able to afford hiring people, thus making the development faster and better, with more functionality, etc.
  • Hold the value from deflation. Most people won't like to hear this, but for some time I plan to hold the Invo value from increasing over initial value by selling them at a set price. You'll be able to buy it cheaper from other users (exchanges, etc.) and in this way it should spread more and more to a certain operation level, at which point I'll rise the selling price further, and so on and so forth. So I'll not be holding the value down until I'll be out of Invo, I'll just make it gradually increase (of course if it will) rather than make it a roller-coaster.
  • Reward initial investors. Everyone who will have forum gold before Invo will go live - will be able to exchange it for Invo at least with double (x2) profit, possibly even more (depends on the total number, with smaller amount of initial investors the profit will be higher). Basically reward for early investment into the project.
  • Various puzzles, tournaments and other events. I'll be giving out Invo here and there after it'll go live. I'll be sure to make some interesting challenges to get yourself some Invo without any investments.
  • Paying to moderators, content creators and other helping people. Basically I'll give it for those that will help me with this project and not only it, for example popular Black Desert guides authors will also be able to claim some. LithStud is also the first one in the line for it, of course if he'll want it.
  • Incentive for 24/7-operating nodes. Since there will be no fees and no mining - there isn't a whole lot of reasons to run a node 24/7, thus possibly putting Invo down for periods of time and/or making it less resilient and prone to attacks. This will not last forever, but for the first year or even few I plan to pay some sort of salary to 24/7-operational nodes. In the future this will not be an issue, as super-holders, exchanges, banks, and other big entities, that will (possibly) use Invo will be interested in keeping their stakes operational online, to make sure that no one will be able to take control over the network and steal their Invo, until that day I'll pay for Invo operation stability.
  • Possibly something else.
Spending Invo. From the start there will be at least an option to buy advertisement space on this forum, so it's not like it will be completely unusable. Also you could spend it to change your username on the forum, and I'll add some other options in the future. And obviously you can use them for development donations =D even though that I'll still have a tons of Invo left, but seriously don't, not that I'll prevent you from doing so or anything.
Brands. I'll be selling branding names. Some brands will be able to get it for free (for example Pearl Abyss or Microsoft can just email me from their corporate tld email and I'll gladly assigns their brand to their ID). Brands info will be hardcoded into the client. Initially I wanted to add it to the blockchain, but that would mean that I'll centralize branding, and when I'll disappear no further branding would be available, or if someone would steal my ID he would be able to rebrand/steal brand/add new brand/etc., of course I could also sell the rights for branding to some other entities, thus making a hierarchy similar to what we have with ICANN, but that would still lead to some form of centralization as when I'll disappear only those brand-sellers will be able to assign new brand-sellers and why would they. Anyway, in the way I plan to implement it any "wallet-creator" will be able to be the brand-seller, so I expect to see scam-wallets in the future that would impersonate brands to their own ID.
So what exactly is brand? A short and easy to remember name that can be used by other users instead of ID. For example I plan to reserve "KAMIKADzE", "KAMI", "InvoKAMI", "Launcher", "DoTA" names for myself, and all of that will point to my ID or IDs (still haven't decided if I should split InvoKAMI/Launcher from myself or not, possibly might do that in the future as well, if it'll become and big enough entity of its own).
You'll be able to re-sell your brands, as you'll be in their control, of course for some fee (haven't even though of how much yet), as I'll need to apply those changes in the code. Maybe some wallet-creator will do it for free, but I wouldn't advice to use other wallets.
Extra Functions field(s). Haven't thought about the name to this field or fields yet, but it will be used for extra functionality. The main and primary example will be an escrow. One of the advantages and yet a big disadvantage is the unreversal of transactions. With escrow functionality you'll be able to assign 3rd party ID as a temporary holder of your assets. That 3rd party ID will only be able to cancel your transaction if it will know that your deal has failed. So for example you want to sell your Invo to someone, you find 3rd party escrow (I'll be available for some escrow deals) and one of you sends X amount of Invo to 3rd party (in this instance seller would send X amount of Invo to buyer through escrow ID) for agreed fee (totally configurable, from 0 to any possible), after that all 3 of you would need to send a confirmation of deal (haven't decided yet, but probably it'll be 0.0......1 Invo, which will be returned back after the deal), after which the Invo will be transferred to buyer and 3rd party will receive its fee without doing anything, now if the deal doesn't happen (buyer didn't give you cash) 3rd party can cancel the deal (still haven't decided how exactly, but probably by sending 0.0......2 Invo or something like that), 1st party would also be able to cancel a deal by sending certain amount of Invo, albeit with a delay, to prevent scams. Still haven't decided on how it will all work, to prevent network overuse from people DDoSing it by sending Invo themselves, etc. Might also add a deal option without 3rd party escrow, where Invo will be temporarily held on receiver side and only sender will need to either confirm or deny the transfer (will be useful for IRL stuff). Maybe I'll think of some other extra functionality in the future, but for now it's planned for deals only.

Discoverability. Finally to how it will all work without centralization. I plan to start with discoverability over Tor network (in the future might add other options, like I2P, etc.). One of the issue with discoverability is that you need to know IPs and ports of other users to connect to them and discover them. Launcher will store a hardcoded Tor address that I'll use to broadcast my ID and Tor IP/port + there will be a certain hardcoded partial-address, which will be used to generate addresses for other users (e.g.: Launcher1, Launcher2, Launcher3, etc.). When connecting to the Launcher Network your Launcher will firstly check if I'm live, get all discovered users from me and also do the same for first 100 addresses by default, while giving away your ID and Tor IP/port to them and assigning yourself address 101 (although I still haven't decided on this 101, maybe I should make it some other, like 0, also it'll let you to set any other address manually). This will happen on every connection/reconnection. Regarding first 100 addresses it will be configurable (you'll be able to set for instance to start from Launcher77777 and check until Launcher88888), so it'll be possible to avoid the case where 100 bad actors took first 100 addresses and broadcast only selected handful of users to take control over the network. It'll be also possible to manually input custom addresses to connect to, so other trusted users can serve as a server, without the need to hard-code anything like most of the cryptos do.
On top of all of that Tor also provides IP anonymity, so no one will know from what real IP you've connected to the network.

Privacy. While Tor will give a certain level of privacy - your ID, Invo usage, etc. can still be tied to your real identity, if you'll tie it yourself in one way or another (for example providing your Passport detail to exchanges, etc.). All traffic will also be encrypted with certain Launcher's encryption, but anyone who knows that it's a Launcher Network traffic will be able to decrypt it, since the encryption will have to be the same (will not be an issue for Messenger with custom set encryption) in order for network to operate. Invo will not be a privacy-private crypto, and will tie to the general network usage, albeit it's still undecided and I might make it in a similar way as Monero for example, who knows.

Feel free to ask, discuss and suggest whatever you'll feel like. I've also created a separate forum section specifically dedicated to Launcher Network related topics. This thread will be locked and used as source of general info.

  1. Can you give any estimated time when test version will be available?
    No. As I have stated at the start of this post - I won't give any dates. Let me put it like this - if there will be a huge investment wave then I might possibly have enough time to release a test version closer to the end of this year, but since I don't think that I'll see a descent amount invested into this project (if there will be any at all) - don't expect to see it in 2021. That said, I might make that investment myself, so there is a slight chance, but as of now I don't have any plans to.
  2. What type of cryptography will be used for the key and how the password will be involved in it? How secure will it be in comparison to those that are widely in use?
    If I would have a definitive answers to these questions I'd probably have given them out already. For now a double-confirmation system is planned, which will involve part of the hashed password and key for cryptography, both will use 2 different elliptic curves of high security (the exact curves were not selected yet, I'll be looking into and testing various publicly available, such as M-511, E-521, etc.), I'm also looking into more modern non-EC alternatives like BPQS, SPHINCS, etc.
    Regarding security - it all requires investigation and a lot of testing, but on paper it would be multitudes of factors more difficult to break or guess in comparison to what Bitcoin uses, to say the least. This will also result in a longer address (hence more available possible addresses, which is a +) and more computational powers required to bruteforce it (which is also a +, the increased size, and hence the required computational power, isn't a concern for transactions, since Invo will use PoS).
    Nothing good comes without drawbacks, and there will be at least obvious 2:
    1) Longer address is more difficult to remember and type-in. Branding is solving this and Name will to an extent as well.
    2) Increased transaction and block sizes. More bandwidth and storage will be required. The difference is not that huge and both of those increase with newer technologies. For storage pruning will be used.
    I don't think that cryptography involved is of a concern here and more like the combination of it and its implementation to be resilient against different type of attacks and work-arounds, hence the reason for why it will take a lot of time to be developed, as it will require a lot of tries and testing, to be somewhat sure that it will all work as expected "on paper".
  3. Will it be open-source?
    Completely open - no, but all of the main functionality will be contained within 1 dll, so custom wallets and other software will be able to simply build upon it. Also it won't be encrypted, so it will be relatively easy to make audits of it. I'll add some explanation and API description if there will be a demand and funding for it.
    Going completely open is not what I want, I don't want a huge amount of people to become involved in initial development phase as they might add some backdoors for themselves and it will be difficult to throughoutly check every single addition without thinking on it and testing it myself. That said - I'm always open for help and suggestions, so if you are a security or cryptography expert and want to get involved - feel free to contact me. Closer to the open testing phase I'll also make a series of posts on it and will be open for any constructive criticism and suggestions.
    After the initial release and testing it is quite likely that I'll make at least some parts of it open source, to allow community to improve its stability/security/etc., but for that to happen there should be said community, otherwise it'll just ease the work for people with malicious intents and will cause more harm and troubles than good.
  4. What features do you plan to add to the messenger? Voice calls?
    As I've already mentioned in the main post - nothing extra, apart of simple text messages, is planned. Voice calls are also not planned. I might add them eventually, if there will be funding and demand for it.
  5. How much money do you need to speed-up the development process?
    That is a difficult question to answer. The more money the more I'll be able to speed-up the process, even more money = I can hire people to speed-up even furthermore, more money...well you got the point. I understand how that sounds, so let's put it like this - if I'll raise less than 100 000 USD total, then I won't even start considering it as a priority, so until that figure won't be reached in a span of reasonable period of time - this project will be developed in my free time, rather than actively.
  6. What about protection from Quantum computer attacks?
    I'm well aware that ECDSA theoretically will be broken by a descent Quantum-computer (which doesn't seem like it's going to appear any time soon, with modern day technologies, but of course that might change at any point). As I've mentioned at the very beginning all of the above is not a finalized concept and may be changed at any given point. I am looking into alternative QC-resilient public encryption algorithms, like BPQS, SPHINCS, etc., but so far I haven't settled on any of those, their biggest problem is a lack of testing (most of them aren't really used in the wild, so no one, apart of inventors and few enthusiasts, bothers to break them), thus they might be prone to present day attacks.
    Most likely I'll add an option to select which encryption algorithm (more like scheme) you want to use, which will make Invo more future-proof, without the need to ever be forked. Selected encryption will be tied to public address, thus preventing selectable-encryption attacks.
    Also, since there will be no fees in Invo, it'll be quite easy to change your Password/Key as often as you want. I'm also looking in the ways to be able to preserve Branding, so far I only came up with a "Branding chain", which would work somewhat similarly to Invo itself, but if you have a better ideas - feel free to suggest them.
  7. Does this mean that you will stop working on BDO Patcher?
    No. At least not for now. When I might stop? See FAQ#5.
  8. Why should I invest into Invo?
    You shouldn't. Investment option is there for those who do want to support Launcher project as a whole and get some reward in the future, that is not yet available (there are other rewards). As I've already mentioned - Invo is not a speculation or holding asset, at least I don't design it to be as such (in the long run that will still depend on the userbase and might end up as yet another speculations resource, regardless of what I want it to become).
  9. Will there be an option to install without Launcher Network?
    No. I don't plan to make and maintain separate build, as that would be too much of work.
    Will it appear in the future? Most likely not, unless there will be someone willing to pay me on a constant basis for all of that hassle, there are way too many things with a higher priorities on my list.
    With all of that said - Launcher is built customizable and it is privacy-oriented, so as usual all of the "networking" will be turned off by default, and it won't send anything over your internet, unless you'll personally opt in to use its "networking" features. The only downside of not having a separate build is a bit bigger resources consumption (RAM and Drive space), with all of the sub-related downsides (e.g.: slightly longer start due to higher RAM consumption). Realistically the downsides will be so minor, that more than likely no one will care about them.
  10. Why it will take you so long to develop Invo?
    The main reason is of course the lack of investments into it, and I don't really expect that to change (maybe closer to the release date, during testing phases, but not for now), but even if we throw that out of the way (for instance if I'll make enough of $ to focus on full-time Launcher development) there are still many design decisions that have to be made, that will not be possible to undo further down the line. Realistically, with full-time development, I think I can make a working version within a month or so, but there's a lot more to it than you might think. For example one of my biggest concerns is that I won't be able to make Proof of Stake work as intended, and will need to switch to Proof of Work (and I'd like to avoid that), sure there are many existing PoS chains, and I could simply copy them, but all of them have various design flaws, specifically regarding fake stakes and fake chains problems, which are either neglected (no one will bother to make such attacks, while it's not profitable, and when it will be creators have already made their $$$ on it) or battled against with sub-systems, which in most cases make the chain more of a Proof of Authority than PoS (basically a form of centralization, that I'd like to avoid) and in more rare cases limit it without PoA by implementing Stake gap (which is similar to PoA, but less restrictive and decentralized, e.g.: "X-amount stake deposit", allowing only rich to stake under a fear of loosing their stake for malicious actions, which won't really work for Invo without the introduction of fees that would make rich richer and so on). In case you have an example of working PoS, that doesn't have such flaws, or you have an awesome idea how to make one - feel free to contact me with your example, it will surely reduce the development time by a lot. And that is just one of my concerns, would take me a while to list all of them here. It will not be possible to solve a lot of these problems after the release, technically it will be possible, but it will be very complicated, especially the part of making sure that predominant majority of users will accept it and switch to it, won't go too deeply into details here, hopefully such issue will never arise.
    tl/dr: The lack of investments and a ton of hours to design it properly, the actual coding part will take around a month.

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Re: Launcher Network

Postby KAMIKADzE » Sun 2021.02.21, 16:31

Few notes regarding Launcher Network and Invo.

One of the obvious questions regarding Launcher Network was, and still is, if it'll be possible to connect to it through clear net (e.g.: by conventional IP, without using Tor). As of initial launch it will not be possible, but if there will be volunteering static servers (initially I'll probably reward them with few Invo, but it won't be a reasonable income) then it'll become possible. Tor is not completely closed from the outer web, thus Tor users can communicate with clear net users, the main issue lies in discoverability - clear net static servers will have to have a static publicly disclosed IP, or alternatively a dedicated domain/subdomain. Not going to explain as to why there won't be a whole lot of volunteers with their servers, in case it's not obvious to you. When such volunteers will appear - I have no idea. Regardless, I've decided to change initial goal of hard-coding my Tor address (partial-address for users will still be hard-coded), now this address will be stored on Launcher's DDL, alongside with Brands. At the start I plan to hold a complete control over this DDL, it's probable that I'll make it decentralized sometime down the line, but it's simply not on time, I already have quite a lot of work to do. This doesn't mean that if I'll suddenly disappear then discoverability will be gone with me, as I plan to add an ability to add custom DDLs. Launcher's DDL will be a Level 0 DDL, and you'll be able to add as many extra levels as you want/need. The way it will work is that Brands/Addresses/IPs will be resolved starting from Lvl 0 and onward, for example if your added Lvl 3 DDL will have an entry of KAMI it'll never be reached as Lvl 0 will be in priority and you'll reach the correct record of my DDL, but if let's say a Lvl 2 has entry NEWDDL, while the previous layer won't, then Launcher will check Lvl 0 then Lvl 1 and finally will find the entry in Lvl 2. I expect to see free/paid/closed DDL rising up after the adoption of Invo, with their pros and cons, and only you will be in control of which DDLs you use, apart of Lvl 0 of course. This will also solve a scam-wallets issue to an extent.

Regarding Invo. As of now I've settled on Stake Statechain DLT, which is a completely new DLT I've come up with. It has some similarities with the starting point of Proof of Stake Blockchain, but is quite different. Now whether it'll be a final decision or not I can't say for sure, but as of now it seems very promising, and everything adds up very nicely. Theoretically it should work very well. The only concern is of how exactly to implement network protocol, in order to reduce bandwidth usage, which will be the main problem of Stake Statechain. If all nodes would be always online then it wouldn't be an issue, but of course this is not going to be the case, and this catch-up mechanic will theoretically become the bottleneck. Surely the world's network is getting faster with each year and it will be of a lesser concern with each year, but I'll have to make some calculations on the actual finished protocol to figure out an approximate numbers of how much bandwidth nodes will need to operate without dropping transactions. The point is - there's still quite a lot of things to think about, but the technology is promising, if implemented correctly...hopefully I'll be the first one to implement it properly :)
I'll be disclosing the technology closer to the release, over time, it's quite complicated.
What I have definitely settled on is the amount of total Invo supply, which will be...1, yep only 1 Invo in total, but it will be infinitely dividable. The exact naming scheme is not final, but basically Invo will be written as In.N, where I -> Invo, n -> number of leading zeros, -> N number (e.g.: I0.1 = 1 Invo, I3.1 = 0.001 Invo). I thought about using letters instead, and while it might look better (e.g.: I3.1 -> Id3), I'm not quite sure that it'll be better for calculations, so for now I've settled on In.N. The exact initial selling price is not set yet, but so far it looks like Invo will start with I9.1 = 1Gold, with no more than I3 into 1 hands (of course it'll be possible to overcome this by spreading the donations in time and through different accounts, but there's not a whole lot I can do about that), I might lower it even further. The goal of this limitation is to make it somewhat harder to concentrate a big portion of Invo in same hands, as the % of owned Invo is a direct % of influence on the Invo in all of its aspects, from transaction validations to the approval of changes. There are few other requirements to be influential, like signing Transaction/State within given timeframe, in order to omit dead/lost "accounts", I'll explain the details sometime in the future, but basically the more Invo you have the more you control it.
FAQ #2
  1. Will Invo be centralized like Launcher's DDL?
    No. Invo will be completely decentralized from the start. That said, while it will be technically decentralized, I don't think that with the restrictions, that I've put on initial sale, there will be enough of Invo spread to make it completely independent from me, as I'll remain the highest staker for quite some time. With all of that said - there's a bit more to it than just "stakers ruling", there will be mechanisms that will allow you to avoid malicious signers(stakers), but I won't state them for now, as I'm not sure which will actually remain, ideally everyone would verify and sign all transactions, but that will become a huge bottleneck, so I'll have to see how to reduce the strain without sacrificing security.
    Actually Launcher's DDL might also be decentralized from the start, but I don't plan to distribute it, so it will remain centralized, at least at start.
  2. If you have invented Stake Statechain, then why do you think that someone can implement it before you?
    There are multiple ways for someone to make it faster than I will.
    First of all I'm not aware of anyone working on anything even remotely close to it, hence the reason why I've claimed to be the first one to come up with, if on the other hand you are aware - feel free to point out any publications that date prior to my post, that would make my life way easier.
    For the simplest example, think of it this way - if the inventor of wheel would not invent the wheel, there wouldn't be a wheel to this date? The answer is kind of obvious that someone would invent it after some time. The same goes for Stake Statechain, as long as it will be relevant then someone will invent it sooner or later, and even more so, if that someone would stumble upon this post and read my further posts about this technology. Unfortunately I don't have a team of skilled programmers/cryptographers and/or a lot of disposal time at this moment, so it will take me a very long time to implement it, and it's hard to predict if I'll have even less of time further down the line, on the other hand someone that is not as restricted can implement it a lot faster, not even to mention a team. I will not be surprised if someone will.

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Re: Launcher Network

Postby KAMIKADzE » Fri 2021.03.26, 03:20

Another post regarding the progress with Launcher Network and Invo.

Haven't really worked on the Launcher Network and/or Invo for the past month, but since I'd like to keep this thread updated, here are few other bits of information regarding the subject:
  • Alpha and Mintable Alpha.
    Invo, in a sense, will be a central "currency", which will be used, not only for p2p transactions, but also for various services of Launcher Network. Although Invo will be essentially a measure of your "power" on the network, it won't be necessary. In order to prove this statement, give an example, and also for the testing purposes, I plan to introduce Alpha currency. Alpha will probably appear before Invo will be fully functional, as mentioned - for the testing purposes. Invo's Stake Statechain DLT is quite difficult to achieve, I still haven't figured out how to reduce bandwidth usage without sacrificing a huge chunk of DLT's security, so I might release alpha with PoS Blockchain instead. Other than proof of concept, Alpha's goal is also to test the network and its implementation for the possible issues, that will lie outside of Stake Statechain DLT. I plan to giveaway Alpha for early testers, use it for bug bounties and give it as the reward for help with Launcher Network and Invo. As of now I don't plan to sell Alpha, but if there will be some people willing to buy it for /whatever reasons, then the price will be negotiable. After the initial testing of the network, Alpha will be a fully functional currency, and is not scheduled for reset/removal/whatever else. If I'll ever need another round of large scale testing I'll just add another test currency, simple as that, which leads us to Mintable Alpha. Mintable Alpha is essentially a duplicate of Alpha, but, unlike Alpha, it will be mintable. It has 2 goals: 1st one is a proof, that you can make conventional mintable currency on the Launcher Network, and the 2nd is to attract a broader audience. At this stage Invo will be either close to release or released, and Mintable Alpha will bring a 2nd wave of early adopters, as people will be jumping on to mint MA (initially minted MA will be given away to each and every early adopter, in some arbitrary number, on the FIFO basis; I'd like to avoid PoW, but if people won't be interested in Mintable Alpha, then I might change it to Minable Alpha, but that's not planned as of now). Of course you will not be forced to use either A or MA, just like any other currency.
  • Planning your own currency. Reserved names.
    So as I've mentioned initially - it will be relatively easy to make your own fully-fledged currency on the Launcher Network. That said - there will be certain limitations, that will ensure that your currency is properly integrated in the network. We'll talk about the first limitation today - name. Each currency will be required to have 2 names, albeit you can use the same name for both:
    -Name. This will be your currency name, for example for Invo it's "Invo". I'm still not quite sure if I'll enforce uniqueness of the names (probably), but you'll certainly need to have one.
    -Short name. Unique identifiable name for your currency, that will be used to form transactions, etc., for example for Invo it's "I". This one will have a uniqueness enforcement, which means that every successive currency to load will be matched against those that were already loaded, and any conflicting currency will not be loaded.
    Basically before creating your currency you'll need to make sure, that there is no other currency with such name already in use, otherwise both of your currencies will be conflicting and you will definitely confuse your users, not even to mention the problem of how to fix this later, after the fact.
    To avoid any possible conflicts in the future I decided to reserve all 1 and 2 characters short names. This doesn't mean that you won't be able to claim one, but be aware that in that case it might become unusable in the future. These short names will be used not only for currencies, but also for the Launcher Network services. As of today I plan to use:
    "I" - Invo
    "A" - Alpha
    "AM" - Alpha Mintable/Minable
    "L", "LN", "DN", "M" - Launcher Network services
  • Address reusability, migration and locking.
    First of all, unlike many of existing cryptocurrencies, currencies on Launcher Network will advocate for address reusability, albeit it won't be enforced. Since Launcher Network will use a greatly secured addresses (at a cost of bandwidth and storage), there won't be a need to discard your properly set-up address after each use. Also addresses will own "Names" (aka Brands) and other assets, apart of currencies. Of course you can sell your brands and assets or transfer them manually to your next address, but what if you want to simply change your address (when you have a valid concern, that someone has stolen your keys, or you have other security concerns), yet you don't want anyone to use your old address, and to be able to keep receiving funds on your old address. For such case I'm introducing you the "Migration" service. All that you'll need to do is to send a migration transaction to your next address and Launcher Network will deal with the rest:
    • All your currencies will be sent to your next address.
    • All rights on your assets will be transferred to your next address.
    • Old address will be locked, meaning that no one will be able to use it to send anything anymore. Old address will be added to your assets, redirecting anything sent to that address to your new address. I haven't decided yet, if this asset will be transferable by other means than migration.
    In order to combat the abuse of this migration system there will be an Invo fee attached to it. As of now I won't give any details regarding the fee.

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Re: Launcher Network

Postby KAMIKADzE » Sat 2021.04.24, 01:51

Here's this month's post regarding the progress with Launcher Network and Invo.

Finally started working on Launcher Accounts, although with the current pace it might take me a while to implement it, but I want to be sure that they're implemented properly.
I still haven't figured out how to reduce theoretical network usage bottleneck. There is still a plenty of time to, and even after Invo release I'll still have quite some time (as I'll hold the majority of Invo at start) to easily adjust the network protocol. Also, after release, I might get some help with the networking part from the community, so all in all it might be more of mine concern, than the actual issue. With all of that said - I do plan to add the ability to set bandwidth usage limit, so it shouldn't become a huge issue for average user, not interested in staking.
One more thing that I'd like to mention today is that I plan to add totally anonymous way of swapping your BTC for Invo in the future (either very close to release, or after release), which will not require you to do anything, but send your BTC to an address (I'll probably add some limitations, like not accepting less than 0.01 BTC or smth), which means that you won't have any trails behind you, but at the same time, since you won't be in contact with me I won't be able to send your Invo to your custom address, thus all Invo will be send to an address which will be composed of multiple same keys as your BTC address key. Do note, that I will not recommend to get your Invo in this way, due to several reasons:
  • Your BTC address and Invo address will be linked together, which means that while you'll be more anonymous for my eyes, you'll highly decrease your overall anonymity, if your BTC was in any way linked to your identity.
  • You'll need to switch or migrate your address due to reduced security (you'll have multiple duplicates of 1 key instead of different keys). This isn't a big issue, if you won't forget to do it.
  • I don't plan to monitor that BTC address 24/7, so there will be some delay. I also plan to shut down this option after some time, to not be bothered by it, even if you'll be OK with waiting your Invo for months - I won't be OK with that. All terms and limitations will be clearly stated closer to the release of this option.
  • You should be sure that you know your Private Key, as in order for me to help you in any way - you'll need to go through the normal way of contacting me, and that defeats the whole purpose, not even to mention that it'll be quite challenging to prove your ownership, if you don't know your Private Key and don't have any BTC left on your address, that was not obtained by refilling it.
  • I'd say it's more anonymous to contact me using anonymous email, specifying your new Invo address, than to link your BTC and Invo.

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Re: Launcher Network

Postby KAMIKADzE » Thu 2021.05.27, 19:52

While I haven't forgot, here's the May's post:

First of all - almost no progress on Accounts. I was mostly busy with other stuff unrelated to Launcher, and probably this will be the case for the following month as well. As of now I expect to get back to more active development sometime in the middle of July, but that's still not certain.
The good news is that I'm working on another crypto-related project (not only on that), so while it doesn't tie directly to Invo and stuff, I still had my time to dug deeper into this field, which should save some of my time with Invo later down the line.
As for the Invo - I'm rethinking the requirement of multiple keys, don't get me wrong, multiple keys will be still there and at least 3 will be recommended, but I'll also leave an option to have a single key. The advantage of single key will be reusability of your existing key from another crypto (albeit I strongly don't recommend that), an option to swallow another crypto (still will require forking for that community), and mainly the reduction of transaction size (won't do much for Invo, as its transactions will be free, but might still be useful for megamultitransaction, as there will be a default recommended size cap, but the main focus is of course 3rd party crypto on the Launcher network, that will have fees).
And that's probably it, one last thing though - you might see some UI elements related to Accounts with the next Launcher update (should appear sometime in June, at least with all of the minor improvements and stuff unrelated to Launcher Network), which will be intentional (if I'll decide to), so while they won't be functional, or at least not to the full extent - feel free to leave your opinions on the layout and appearance.

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