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HearthStone - OTK Knife Juggler

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Re: HearthStone - OTK Knife Juggler

Postby KAMIKADzE » Sun 2018.04.15, 00:36

Magano wrote:So if it counters everything why so low rank?

The main reason is - I'm not playing enough of HearthStone matches to make a huge progress. You really need to play a lot, like really a lot of matches to make a descent progress even with the best decks out there, and this is just a deck that I made from what I have available on my hand. Played a few matches after the previous post and I'm now at R18 and 2 stars. There are no good deck trackers for android devices, and obviously I CBA to count it myself, so IDK my winrate with this deck, but it is positive.
Also decks with 100% winrate are non-existent, so don't expect to win with this one all the time either, and still it will be definitely better to go with more reliable decks with a good draw and consistent play or something ridiculously broken (like the new Shudderwock Shaman OTK, with which my opponents get lucky 90% of the time and I'm dead if I don't kill Shudderwock Shaman before turn 9-10 =D ), that is if you have all the required cards, enough of dust or loads of cash to pour.

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Re: HearthStone - OTK Knife Juggler

Postby HSPoggers » Thu 2018.04.19, 21:36

I would need to craft rexxar for this deck that you provided and I don't have a lot of dust, so I want to know how does it stand against current meta decks?

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Re: HearthStone - OTK Knife Juggler

Postby KAMIKADzE » Fri 2018.04.20, 00:00

HSPoggers wrote:I would need to craft rexxar for this deck that you provided and I don't have a lot of dust, so I want to know how does it stand against current meta decks?

There are many cards that can be replaced in this deck, and you can even improve it in that way, for example it might be a good idea to replace 2 mana Ooze with the Ooze for 3 mana if you play mainly against decks that have weapons with descent attack. As for the Deathstalker Rexxar - this is one of the core cards for this deck and the winrate without it will be significantly lower, but you can still try to run without it just to test it and check if you can play with this deck at all (that will probably help to decide if you should craft this expensive card or not).

As for your actual question:
KAMIKADzE wrote:This deck has quite a few win conditions, it's not a one-combo deck, so it's quite complicated to explain, but it actually works against all decks out there, that is - if you get cards that are suitable for your situation (sometimes they all are at the bottom of the deck and in that case you're done for), and it won't cost you a fortune to craft it. Requires a lot of practice though, definitely won't recommend it for newbs.

If Spell Hunters doesn't kill you till like turn 7-8 then probably you won, so just try to stay alive.
Face Hunters and alike will die if you get your board removals and/or Rexxar:

Spiteful Priest doesn't stand a chance if you get your removals before it starts dropping those 10-cost minions.
Big Priest usually doesn't live long enough to cause a Big troubles.
Quest Priest - haven't played against those many times, so it's hard to say, but if it completes the quest - your only chance to win is Rexxar, or Azalina might be good enough as well in a case that Amara is not played right away.
Spell Priest - I still need to play against those quite a few times to say anything, but it seems like a way worse version of Shudderwock Shaman OTK:

Shudderwock Shaman OTK - you're dead if you don't kill it before OTK turn (obviously enough xD), otherwise they're no match regardless of the turn:

Quest Mage vanished for some reason, I haven't played against even a single one post-Witchwood expansion, most likely it would be still the hardest Mage matchup, but I guess those players just jumped on Shudderwock Shaman OTK, since it's easier.
Big Spell/Freeze Elemental Lich Jaina matchups will be extremely hard without Rexxar:

Witchwood Druid is kind of annoying but I have yet to lose against those if I recall correctly:

Combo Druid usually dies before combo:

Hadronox Druid is almost always a ride till Fatigue, but it is still better to face those than properly assembled Cubelock:

Control Warriors depends a lot on what both of you draw:

IDK how this one is called - Legendary Cloning Warrior or smth, looks scary in the long run, but I have yet to play against it in the long run :D :

In Paladin matchups you need to get your board/single target removals (depending on which deck you play against), so it might be a bit tricky from the start when you don't know what you're standing against:

New Rogue is kinda weak, unlike Quest Rogue and Kingsbane, which are like 60/40 in favour of my Push deck (winning against those require your understanding of their mechanics and drawing at least some of the needed cards):

Zoolock for this deck is like somewhere in a middle between Murloc Paladin and Face Hunter.
And finally Cubelocks - probably the hardest matchups, somehow they almost always manage to stay alive till turn 10 and then goes Guldan (can't even count how many times this card turned the table when they have like 1-5 hp left...), after which without Rexxar (which rarely comes on curve, unlike Guldan for those Cubelocks) you're most likely dead, and even that one won't save you if they get like 5 Doomguards and you have no taunts at that time :D
This matchup is extremely dependent on what you draw:

Basically you almost always have a chance to win.

Writing this post took a bit more time than I expected =D almost a guide.
Since there is some interest in HS, probably I will add a subforum for it.

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Re: HearthStone - OTK Knife Juggler

Postby Magano » Fri 2018.04.20, 00:33

Do you take pictures of each match? =D

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Re: HearthStone - OTK Knife Juggler

Postby KAMIKADzE » Fri 2018.04.20, 01:03

Magano wrote:Do you take pictures of each match? =D

No =D
Probably would have whole lot more if I played it on PC =D
Back in the days when storage was expensive... =D

P.S. FeelsBad...played against a slightly modified version of my Push deck =D it's amazing in a lucky hands =D lost my win streak *VERYSAD*

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Re: HearthStone - OTK Knife Juggler

Postby コフク » Fri 2018.04.20, 17:21

So it struggles against Cube Voidlords? Why not use Tracking?

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Re: HearthStone - OTK Knife Juggler

Postby KAMIKADzE » Fri 2018.04.20, 18:36

コフク wrote:So it struggles against Cube Voidlords? Why not use Tracking?

It struggles against a walls of taunt minions with descent amount of HP or constant freeze and a way to kill you in one turn (be it weird combo like Shudderwock or lots of charge minions with the removal of your taunts) or in few turns with descent amount of strong face-dmg spells. In other words - just a wall of taunts isn't enough, it must have Doomguards/Leeroy/etc. and a way to clone them and throw all of that in your face at once, and even that can be countered with good Rexxar Zombeasts (like Poisonous AoE Deathrattle Taunt).
Actually the worst matchup is a mobile gaming on the go =D this game has a terrible reconnection system, although it sometimes works and I even manage to win after 1-3 offline turns. They could at least make you stay in the match with a reconnection, instead of restarting, as most of the time DC is like a second or less, but then it takes forever to get back into the match, not even to mention the loads of reconnection bugs.

I dislike Tracking a lot, you should be either really lucky to discard only the unrequired cards or have a deck of "similar" cards (like Face Hunter). You can try it if you want, but I would never recommend that.

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