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Illustrated Sound Music copyright claim

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Illustrated Sound Music copyright claim

Postby KAMIKADzE » Wed 2019.12.04, 18:55

Dang it...this time I was flagged by Illustrated Sound Music for parts of my old unlisted Darksiders videos (both audio and visual parts; most likely this was an auto-flag, since those videos are long time private).
There are also a gazillion of recent complaints regarding this company and them false-claiming multiple videos. This is a YouTube network channel and as far as I can tell they have nothing to do with Darksiders, the rights on this game and its assets, they're simply throwing gazillion of fraudulent claims on various videos to make some $$$. As always I doubt that youtube will punish them in any way for doing this.
Anyway, if one of your videos was claimed by Illustrated Sound Music - dispute it, at this scale of disputes it would probably be safe to even dispute a real claim from them =D
Spread the word - give them deserved negative backlash.

Apparently most claims came from their partnered channel "Gustavo Canine Games" (not in my case), and he says that it's not caused by his own actions, that he would like to leave the network now, but he can't as he's locked in. Illustrated Sound Music also stated that those claims were not sent by any of their partnered YouTubers. Basically don't hate Gustavo, if your claims came from his channel, still the networks fault.

Illustrated Sound Music removed their claims within 24 hours of dispute. At least they did not wait for a whole month to let me auto-win the dispute, not that it bothered me too much since those are private videos, but it's good to see that they at the very least acknowledge that they false-claimed videos.

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