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It is Dead and not going to return.

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It is Dead and not going to return.

Postby KAMIKADzE » Fri 2016.11.04, 22:21

Basically Neowiz decided to shut down this MMO on 22nd of March (before I resurrected this forum once again, so I just never got around to post this info...for some unknown reason *ONIONDONTKNOW*) after its OBT.
There was a rumor that it might try to continue in China, but no. Since then the site was removed and it is completely dead in informational space, no news, no rumors, or at least I haven't heard about any, so it is safe to say that it is dead *ONIONIMDEAD*, at the very least for a couple of years. If they'll plan to resurrect it and I'll find out that information, then I'll surely notify you about that.

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