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Working on v0.8

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby zlir » Mon 2018.04.30, 05:49

Hey KAMIKADzE, have you heard about Project TL? Do you plan to make tools for it?

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Mon 2018.04.30, 06:20

zlir wrote:Hey KAMIKADzE, have you heard about Project TL? Do you plan to make tools for it?

Yeah, I'm aware of Lineage Ethernal fiasco and its undergoing complete revamp (aka "Project TL").

As for the second question - no, at least not at the moment.

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby zlir » Mon 2018.04.30, 06:25

KAMIKADzE wrote:
zlir wrote:Hey KAMIKADzE, have you heard about Project TL? Do you plan to make tools for it?

Yeah, I'm aware of Lineage Ethernal fiasco and its undergoing complete revamp (aka "Project TL").

As for the second question - no, at least not at the moment.

So you can possibly make them? I would gladly donate a few bucks to help you, just so that you know.

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Mon 2018.04.30, 07:17

zlir wrote:So you can possibly make them? I would gladly donate a few bucks to help you, just so that you know.

That is not how it works.
First of all - the game isn't even out yet, and so:
  • If you plan to create language patch for it - who knows, it might have some official support for that, or even a couple of built-in languages, one of which might be yours.
  • As of now there's no way to tell in what way they'll store data (packaging, encryption, etc.), unless you work for them (my guess is that you don't, otherwise I doubt you'd ask your question in the first place).
  • I'm actually not THAT good at reverse-engineering, especially of well-protected code. I doubt that there would be no data-encryption, and probably it will be some custom encryption method. Basically it might take me forever to find the built-in decryption method by reverse-engineering on my own, so I might not be the person you're looking for.
  • Maybe it will be yet another fiasco, who knows *lol*

As for the "donation" - I appreciate your consideration of it, but a few bucks are definitely not enough to "fund" the development of such tools, especially for MMO game. It takes a lot of time to create them, and even more so to keep up with the changes, especially if it will be as frequently modified as BDO for example :D
I might do it, if somehow revamped Lineage Ethernal manages to catch me in its nets (e.g. BDO Patcher is a thing just because I play BDO, it's not a profitable project), but I doubt that that is going to happen (not even to mention that this game might even get cancelled), so lower your expectations.

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby qwerty » Tue 2018.05.01, 12:04

Have not been here for a long time, how is the development going?
I have also a question about your remote tool: will there be an option to send files from one device to another?

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Tue 2018.05.01, 12:54

qwerty wrote:Have not been here for a long time, how is the development going?
I have also a question about your remote tool: will there be an option to send files from one device to another?

Yeah, I haven't updated Launcher for quite a while, been super tired lately and only done a few minor things. Other than that I have also stopped at a half-way of removing "TEST" merging buttons and incorporating them into the whole merge system. I'm planing to update Launcher after I'll be done with that and probably the addition of InsertPAZ, that is if there won't be any emergency situations.

I have blown a few spare accessories and degraded 3 pieces of the armor that I actually wear to I(+16). Basically I've lost a couple of billions today in BDO =D (haven't actually spent any of my silver, as I save it to buy something, if anyone will sell anything useful, I just happen to have so many Valks Advices and Fragments of Memories that it is just mind-blowing). I have used up all of my Concentrated Magical Black Stones (Armor) and trying to buy those + Black Crystals at the moment (I have almost 7b so money is not a problem) and get my Armor at least to III(+18), but so far I was only able to stack additional unsavable failstacks (51+ stacks) by failing to upgrade my Treant Armor from I -> II *lol* IDK how this is even possible :D soon I will be out of characters at this rate and will have to spend them or start degrading my other gear :D
So that might actually help Launcher development to some extent =D although my Blader was already paperish even with all of its defense to begin with and I'm smart enough to not try upgrading my IV(+19) weapons to V(+20) =D
It is both sad and funny at the same time, but that aside - I should have a descent amount of time at least in this month, so probably I'll finally get back to Launcher.

As for the Remote, although I haven't mentioned it - yes I plan to add option to send files from one device to another, but that option won't make its appearance in Remote v0.1, which itself is not going to appear any time soon.

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Fri 2018.05.04, 05:39

Just finished removing "TEST" merging buttons and incorporating them into the whole merge system.
Now preferred merging type can be set in BDO Patcher settings. As of now this change affects only Data v2 merging. Older buttons merging type corresponds to these settings:
  • "Merge Data v2" and "Merge Data v2 except HTT" -> respective buttons with the following BDO Patcher settings:
    • Merging: Strict
  • "TEST1" -> "Merge Data v2 except HTT" with the following BDO Patcher settings:
    • Merging: STS
    • Merging parallelization degree: 1
  • "TEST2" -> "Merge Data v2 except HTT" with the following BDO Patcher settings:
    • Merging: STS
    • Merging parallelization degree: 4
  • "TEST3" -> "Merge Data v2 except HTT" with the following BDO Patcher settings:
    • Merging: MKTS
    • Merging parallelization degree: 1
  • "TEST4" -> "Merge Data v2 except HTT" with the following BDO Patcher settings:
    • Merging: MKTS
    • Merging parallelization degree: 3
Launcher will now ship with these default settings:
  • Merging: MKTS
  • Merging parallelization degree: 1
MKTS parallelization degree can be set in a range from 0 to 4. STS parallelization degree can be set in a range from 0 to 5. A brief explanation of those settings can be found in that post.
Improved stability of 2+ parallelization (e.g. although I haven't received any reports of it happening, if you rarely experienced problems with "TEST2" and/or "TEST4" then it should be fixed in the upcoming update).

Now I'll start working on the InsertPAZ. Most likely won't have the time to finish that one today.

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Thu 2018.05.10, 19:09

Updated the development version with previously mentioned changes/improvements. It also contains various minor fixes and improvements, like the fix for bug that causes BDO Patcher to ignore unchecked JP Auto-Patching Loc, which is the main reason of this update.

All code related to InsertPAZ was stripped-down, as it wasn't ready for release yet, so there's no point in trying to use it.
Also this update does NOT fix the recent loc issue. Due to this issue all development related to InsertPAZ will be postponed for now, in favor of fixing said issue.

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Sun 2018.05.13, 19:28

Finally updated the development version to address the recent loc issue. Expected it to go live yesterday, but as always haven't had the required amount of time, hence the reason why I tend to not give any ETA =D

Bear with me for a while, I'll try to explain the new functionality and how to use it for LOC v2.
New UI in BDO Patcher:
  • Advanced tab
    • "Merge Data v3" and "Merge Data v3 except HTT" - Both are currently unimplemented, so don't try to find any options to enable them. You'll have to convert Data v3 into Data v2 and merge as Data v2 for the nearest future.
    • "LOC to BSS" - Convert LOC v2 (the new LOC file) to BSS file. A standalone button, doesn't rely on anything.
    • "BSS to LOC" - Convert BSS to LOC v2. A standalone button, doesn't rely on anything.
    • BSS - UI reworked a bit, but it works in the same way, except that now you can select not only scheme but also converting format.
      • "BSS ->" - Convert BSS into your selected format.
      • "-> BSS" - Convert from selected format to BSS.
        There's no TXT implementation for StringTable layout.
        For NamelessDataTableLCFL layout (new languagedata) XML implementation is complete, as for the TXT - it works only in BSS -> TXT way, I still have to add backwards conversion. If you would like to edit it in TXT format - you can always convert it to XML via "TXT to XML" button before converting to BSS format.
        Format selection remembers the last selected format, scheme selection on the other hand does not (will be implemented sometime in the future).
    • "XML to TXT" - It will now automatically convert new lines in cells into "\n".
  • Menu => "???" => "Convert"
    • "Data v2 XML -> Data v3 XML" - It will convert languagedata v2 (type of data contained in old languagedata loc file) into v3 (type of data contained in new languagedata loc file). This conversion will create file with "v3" added to the name of your file, so don't worry about it rewriting your xml file.
    • "Data v3 XML -> Data v2 XML" - It will convert languagedata v3 into v2. This conversion will create file with "v2" added to the name of your file, so don't worry about it rewriting your xml file.
      Both of those^ will be reworked sometime in the future into manually definable "converting scheme" with some UI. They also rely on your currently selected scheme (languagedatav2 and Data_v3 => languagedata), so keep that in mind if you'll experience any troubles with them.
Scheme change:
  • Data v3:
    • Added "Layout". Example:

      Code: Select all

       "languagedata": {
            "Keys": {
              "Index": "int",
              "Key1": "short",
              "Key2": "byte",
              "Key3": "byte"
            "Values": {
              "Translation": "string"
            "Structure": "Set",
            "Layout": "NamelessDataTableLCFL",
            "Actions": {}

      Layout will help BSS converter to identify the correct way of converting your file. Basically Layout is a layer before Structure. There are currently 2 types - NamelessDataTableLCFL and StringTable, which are used by default for languagedata and stringtable respectively.
+Few other minor improvements.

I've tested everything before the update and it works fine on my end. If you'll experience any issues that weren't explained in this post - let me know.
Notice: Default scheme was updated, if you'll experience any problems using new functionality with your custom scheme - please take a look at new default scheme and apply the required changes to your scheme.

If you find it hard to understand all of that text above^ - here is a step-by-step guide on how to merge and convert your Data v2 into new Data v3 LOC file:
  1. Update your Launcher and start it.
  2. "Tools" => "BDO Patcher"
  3. If "Current scheme" is not "Default" - either go to "Schemes" tab and press "Use default scheme" or read that wall of text above^.
  4. Open BDO Patcher advanced tab.
  5. We will need your older translation in XML format, so if you have it in LOC/TXT format:
    1. Press "LOC to TXT" and select your .loc file.
    2. Press "TXT to XML" and select your .txt file created druing step 1.
  6. Now we will get your new RAW .loc file to XML format as well:
    1. Press "LOC to BSS" and select your new RAW .loc file.
    2. In BSS section of advanced tab - select "languagedata" as "BSS Converter scheme" and "XML" in the dropdown list below it.
    3. Press "BSS ->" and select your .bss file created during step 1.
    4. It is now in XML format, but your translation is in Data v2 format, while this is still Data v3, so we need to convert it to Data v2. In menu press "???" => "Convert" => "Data v3 XML -> Data v2 XML" (it will add "v2" to the name of your file, in order to prevent overwriting the source file).
  7. Now that we have both XML Data v2 files - merge them as you used to (Load Base/Translation and press one of the Merge Data v2 buttons).
  8. Apply your additional translations in a way that you used to do and convert it back to XML.
  9. Now that you've committed your changes - in menu press "???" => "Convert" => "Data v2 XML -> Data v3 XML" (it will add "v3" to the name of your file, in order to prevent overwriting the source file).
  10. Press "-> BSS" and select your .xml file from the previous step.
  11. Press "BSS to LOC" and select your .bss file from the previous step.
  12. Make sure that the file name is the same as the RAW's file name (remove those "v2" and "v3" added by conversions in previous steps) and you're good to go.

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Mon 2018.05.14, 12:10

Recently I have received few PMs related to the latest Launcher update. I plan to address the arisen issue and requested improvements in the next update, which should appear soon™. This changes will include:
  1. Issue with converting Data v3 TXT -> XML via "TXT to XML" button.
    Since TXT format doesn't retain any information on its content it's not possible to distinguish Data v2 and Data v3 (it is somewhat doable, but that would be a pure guess based on the amount of columns), and so "TXT to XML" always treats txt file as Data v2 format.
    I will have to add another button or some kind of selection, on which data type to convert. Before that happens you will need to either directly convert BSS to XML or manually edit XML file resulted by Data v3 "TXT to XML" conversion:
    • In every table - remove "Translation" and "Region" columns.
    • In every table - rename "Original" column to "Translation".
    If you don't have any XML editors you can always convert to XLSM or whichever other format, edit it there and convert back to XML.

    Conversion of XML -> TXT is not affected by this issue, since XML format retains information about its content.
  2. Adding an option to choose the level of "BSS to LOC" compression.
    There are 10 compression lvls available (from 0 to 9). Original LOC files use compression lvl 1, hence the reason why BDO Patcher uses it at the moment. Higher compression lvl should increase game loading time, so I'm not surprised that they use the lowest one (0 = no compression).
  3. Adding a way to add/edit merge actions.
    I've completely forgot about that one. It is a quite old functionality that predates Data v2 and was in use since Data v1 by "except HTT" buttons and custom-built Launcher versions for some of the patch authors.
    With this addition, "except HTT" buttons will be removed. UI for adding/editing those actions is not planned for the next update, you'll be able to add/edit them in a file used by BDO Patcher. Example of the file's content (current "except HTT" buttons):

    Code: Select all

      "ActionsCollection": {
        "String except HTT": {
          "ActionsList": {
            "GAME": {
              "IgnoreStartWith": [
        "Data v2/3 except HTT": {
          "ActionsList": {
            "37": {
              "IgnoreStartWith": [

    I'll explain this scheme and available options after the release.

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