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Working on v0.8

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Re: Working on v0.7c

Postby KAMIKADzE » Mon 2017.12.04, 18:55

It's been a while~~~
Somehow Launcher development got stuck. In the past 2 months I've improved it, insignificantly, here and there. All of the latest minor improvements can be found in development version. There's no need to update (no new features, no major improvements). Repacking was locked-out on purpose, it's not ready, not even close to being ready, I even forgot what I've already done back then =D I'll need to find some descent amount of time to sit down and finish it in a go (no idea when this will happen), meanwhile you might see some other additions/improvements (not sure about it yet).

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Re: Working on v0.7c

Postby KAMIKADzE » Wed 2017.12.06, 19:06

I've updated the development version once again. This time it features the barebone Clipboard Inspector. For now, from the targeted functionality, it only has the ability to view what is currently inside clipboard, and not even all of the possible "formats" are included with this update (as it was mentioned previously - its functionality will be expanded over time). Probably I'll add few more "formats" and "Clear clipboard" button before the actual release (I still need to fix projects at the very least, so there's plenty of time left =D ).

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Re: Working on v0.7c

Postby jicsmart » Thu 2017.12.21, 13:58

Just try Dev. version
I found this
Encountered problem converting Loc to Txt when I selected Server JP NA/EU.

but No problem when selected TW KR.


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Re: Working on v0.7c

Postby KAMIKADzE » Thu 2017.12.21, 14:22

jicsmart wrote:Just try Dev. version
I found this
Encountered problem converting Loc to Txt when I selected Server JP NA/EU.

but No problem when selected TW KR.

LOC functionality is dependent on the settings of selected server. I can't remember where but I've also mentioned that I want to add option in settings, which will allow to skip client-check (as of now to confirm that settings work properly Launcher verifies that it can access client files with related client settings) so that it could be used even if you don't have BDO client on your machine. As of now, all clients use the very same settings, so it's not a big of a deal, since you can use LOC-related functionality with whichever client you have on your hand (also you can trick Launcher, by manually setting client path for other clients), but as I already mentioned - there will be an option in settings which you will be able to check for Launcher to ignore checking if settings are correct (if they aren't then LOC-related functionality won't work properly).

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Mon 2017.12.25, 22:42

3+ hours earlier I've updated the development version once again. Haven't had the time to write about it here.
This time it features various optimizations and improvements.
Now there is an option to prevent BDO client-checking when using LOC functionality of advanced tab (read my previous post in this thread for more details on this one), it can be found in BDO Patcher menu => Preferences => BDO Patcher settings => "Do not verify Paz settings in advanced use" (this name might be changed in release version).
Also you'll surely notice the addition of Launch view in Launcher's main window. Right from the start - if you don't care about it, you can simply click on "Games info" and you'll see your familiar BDO info, Launcher will automatically remember the last viewed one and it will appear on start. The rest of this post will be about Launch view, so If you're not interested in what's that - then that's about it for you, no need to read any further.

Launch view is a part of old Launcher functionality (pre v0.6), completely reworked with a new look at it. It can Launch "various stuff", hence its name. Currently it doesn't have any options whatsoever, I'm still thinking on the generalized/versatile structure of it, in order to make it future-proof, but it will probably make its appearance in v0.8 (by the way the title of this thread has changed few days ago, just in case you haven't noticed). I'll return to future functionality a bit later, after we'll look on what it has to offer as of now:
In order to "unlock" Launch functionality you have to create a file called "test.LS" in the Launcher folder (folder in which the Launcher.exe can be found). Open this file with notepad/notepad++ or similar software and start writing your Launch settings. Let's look on this example, so that you'll know what to write =D :

Code: Select all

  "PresetContainer": {
    "Web": {
      "PresetItems": [
          "MyType": "Simple",
          "StartString": "",
          "ToolTip": "YouTube",
          "ImagePath": "C:\\SomeFolder\\YouTubeIcon.png",
          "Height": 40.0,
          "Width": 40.0
          "MyType": "Simple",
          "StartString": "",
          "ToolTip": "Twitch",
          "ImagePath": "C:\\SomeFolder\\TwitchIcon.png",
          "Height": 30.0,
          "Width": 30.0
          "MyType": "Simple",
          "StartString": "",
          "ToolTip": "DoTA Forum",
          "Height": 40.0,
          "Width": 40.0
      "Spacing": "3,3,3,3"
    "Games": {
      "PresetItems": [
          "MyType": "Simple",
          "StartString": "C:\\Games\\ELEX\\system\\ELEX.exe",
          "ToolTip": "ELEX",
          "ImagePath": "C:\\Games\\ELEX\\system\\ELEX.exe",
          "Height": 40.0,
          "Width": 40.0
          "MyType": "Simple",
          "StartString": "steam://rungameid/570",
          "ToolTip": "DoTA2",
          "ImagePath": "C:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/bin/win64/dota2.exe",
          "Height": 40.0,
          "Width": 40.0
          "MyType": "Simple",
          "StartString": "C:\\My.txt",
          "ToolTip": "My Text File",
          "ImagePath": "/Folder/My.png",
          "Height": 40.0,
          "Width": 40.0
      "Spacing": "3,3,3,3"

Simply copypasta it and use it as a template.
In that^ example you can see 2 presets with their respective settings.
"PresetContainer" - just leave it as it is, this holds your presets and its name should be without changes, otherwise Launcher won't get what you're feeding to it =D
"Web" - the name of 1st preset in this example, you're free to name it as you wish, if it won't appear then the name is either too long or...well there are ways to break it, anyway you can name it "My SUPER b8 m8" (in the future, in the actual UI responsible for the creation of those settings - anything that can break it will be limited). You don't really want to make it extremely long as it will be simply inconvenient (you'll get why once you'll see it loaded by Launcher).
"PresetItems" - once again, just leave it as it is, this holds the actual Launching items for your preset.
Before moving to the items, let's check another setting of your preset:
"Spacing" - sets the spaces between items in your preset ("Left, Top, Right, Bottom"), by default all are set to 3.
Now let's move back to the actual items stored in PresetItems. Their position in settings influences on their position in your preset (might not be obvious to some people, so had to mention that).
"MyType" - type of the item. Currently there's only 1 type - "Simple", so just leave that. I guess it's pretty self-explanatory. Sometime in the future I'll add another type with "modifier radio button"(not sure what I'll call that, but anyone who used old Launcher will surely get what I mean), with more to come in the future (if I'll think of any, or someone will come with a good suggestion).
"StartString" - what to Launch. It can be anything from URL, files on the computer, Launch Programs with parameters, etc. In this Web preset - all items will start a specified Website with your default WebBrowser.
"ToolTip" - move mouse over the item to see this tooltip, can be used to distinguish items with similar icon, or explain what this item is, etc. You can write anything here, for example "I got ya b8 m8 I r8 it 8 out of 8".
"ImagePath" - path to the image that will be displayed on your item. Currently it supports various image types and ".exe" files (more will be supported in the future), currently unsupported or missing will show up as a default Launcher icon (you can see the example of missing path in 3rd item of "Web" preset, also actually missing files and path like "", " ", etc. will be counted as missing).
"Height" and "Width" - kinda self explanatory. The default values are of 40, just set them to size you're comfortable with (2nd item in "Web" preset shows 30x30 size).
Now let's also check 2nd preset called "Games" - look at the "Web" above^ for the detailed explanation. You can have as much presets as you like (there's actually limit, but you should be intentionally trying to reach it, or you're crazy and should seek medical attention, if you reached it unintentionally). Currently Launcher won't remember lastly selected preset, but that will change in the future. Just like with items - preset position influences on the actual position.
"StartString" in "Games" preset - in the 1st item you can see a path to ELEX.exe, which starts the ELEX game (you can also use "/" instead of "\\", basically it works just like the other similar setting files in Launcher, cause it's basically a clone of BDO Projects to an extent, so I'll skip on explanation of special characters). In 2nd item you can see...uhmm...let's call it "virtual path" for the sake of simplifying this already unsimplified explanation =D , which will start DoTA2 (and steam prior to that, in case steam wasn't already started), obviously if you have it on your machine.
"ImagePath" in "Games" preset - 1st and 2nd items show the different approach of writing slashes for the path, which were mentioned previously. 3rd item shows a relative path which will end as "WhateverPathToLauncherParentFolder/Launcher/Folder/My.png" (there's no My.png shipped with Launcher, so it won't show up, create it if you want to see this example in action).
The rest I've explained with the "Web" preset explanation above^.

As for the future functionality of Launch view - there will be other types of items, it will be possible to make presets appear on the right-click of the Launcher icon in tray, obviously there will be UI to create/edit your presets, and finally there will be "replacement macros" for "StartString", that will allow, for example, to start BDO JP updater from Launcher (you can start it even with the current Launch functionality, but the starting string for BDO JP also has a field for current datetime, which obviously changes, and changing it manually is just stupid, so in the future you'll be able to set something like {{{SomeDateTimeType}}} and it will be replaced with the actual DateTime by Launcher (macros opening and closing characters are still a subject of consideration, and previous example is just an example)). As for the export and import of settings I'm still in consideration if I should make it separate from overall Launcher settings, or make it possible to export both into a "new settings format", which will contain both, or 1 of them (selectable).

That's pretty much it for this year.

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Mon 2018.01.29, 22:24

Finally I made some progress in this year =D
Closer to the point. Today I managed to add new table format (e.g. similar to xml or xlsm) that should in theory drastically increase merging speed for BDO Patcher. I haven't implemented export/import yet (for now there's only internal conversion from/to "xml format") and I still have no idea how I'll name it, so you can suggest some 3-letter names if you want, while it's not defined. It is possible to export/import it in xml format, but with the custom format it will be possible to reduce file size and import/export speed as well as conversion speed from other formats. Current slower and safer merging will remain and isn't going anywhere, so don't worry about that.

The next goal is to add modified merging functions and a button in the dev version to crashtest it. The main reason for public crashtesting is basically to check how it works with different Data v2 formats (Data v1 modified merging functions will be added at some later point).
It would be a whole lot easier to make simpler (and even a little bit faster) custom solid format, if tables weren't modified as often and would be the same in all versions =D, that's the main reason why I have left speed improvements for so long. Anyway, before this gets too rambly, those are all of the news for now, it shouldn't take me a lot of time to implement things mentioned in this paragraph, so I'll try to finish it sometime on this week, hopefully, but I won't promise anything.

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby LithStud » Tue 2018.01.30, 00:18

nice :) gonna test it on Ru version xD just to see how it works (still gonna need to do after that the polishing by adding crap to inflate file =D)

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Sun 2018.02.04, 12:22

I've updated the development version with a Merging Tests, which I mentioned in that post.

On the BDO Patcher's Advanced tab you'll find 4 Test buttons. Shortly about those tests:
  • First of all, in case it won't be obvious, all of those 4 buttons should in theory output the same result as "Merge Data v2 except HTT" button. In case any of those 4 results differ from the original button - let me know, with a detailed info on what is different.
  • You should load xml files into Base/Translation, all of those 4 buttons will convert xml back and forth into their respective format (this way it took me less time to develop those tests in order to check if they work), that means that overall performance and RAM consumption is affected and both will be lowered, when completely implemented.
  • Now few words about the buttons:
    • TEST 1 and TEST 2 uses, what I would call, a "simplified version of "xml" format" (a lot of quotes, because this is actually wrong, but it's easier to explain it that way), which means that it is still quite slow, although capable of utilizing your CPU resources, so in the end it is faster with CPUs that have more than 1 thread (1 CPU Core might have 1 or more threads).
      Warning: As of now there's no way to configure Merging priority, so I would recommend to lower Launcher process priority via Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del), or any other software that replicates this functionality, before you press TEST 1 or TEST 2, otherwise your system might get pretty unresponsive, since most likely it will take all of your available CPU resources =D
      TEST 1 and TEST 2 are basically the same TEST, with a bit different degree of parallelization (TEST 1 is like lowest degree and TEST 2 is 2nd from the highest possible). TEST 1 is aimed more towards CPUs will low Core/Threads count, while TEST 2 should work better for CPUs with more Cores/Threads (in the actual release, they'll be merged into a single setting with a selectable degree of parallelization). The drawback of TEST 2 is that it will output a more scattered Merging log.
    • TEST 3 and TEST 4 uses a new format that I designed specifically for merging purposes (it is still universal, and will work with different schemes). Both of those tests merge in a matter of seconds (~10 sec or less on my dated system with HDD, your mileage may vary), even though that there's back and forth conversion with xml format + don't forget that all of the 4 tests have "except HTT" task assigned to them, so the final performance for simple merge will be even more ridiculous compared to the current merging =D (just as I promised long time ago).
      While it all sounds great - unlike TEST 1 and TEST 2, this is quite a tricky format to work with in code, so a proper testing is required for TEST 3 and 4. I expect you to compare the usual merging result with the results of TEST 3 and 4, in order to be sure that it works as expected for every Data v2 out there.
      TEST 3 and TEST 4 are basically the same TEST, with a bit different degree of parallelization (TEST 3 is like lowest degree and TEST 4 is 2nd from the highest possible). TEST 3 is aimed more towards CPUs will low Core/Threads count, while TEST 4 should work better for CPUs with more Cores/Threads (in the actual release, they'll be merged into a single setting with a selectable degree of parallelization). The drawback of TEST 4 is that it will output a more scattered Merging log.

I've decided to name format used in TEST 1 and TEST 2 as ".STS" (Simple Table Set). I'm still considering the name for the TEST 3/4 format (I call it Multi-Key Table Set, so maybe it'll end up as ".MKTS", it has way more to it than that naming implies, but that would end up way too long =D ).

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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby jicsmart » Mon 2018.02.05, 22:38

Tester reporting in
tried TEST4 (1 2 3 no test yet.)
Guess lazy to try it. XD
Why so fast? o_O just 1 minute. (actually less than 30 seconds,sir : CPU AMD FX6300)
Can you explain more? no verify or skip something?
below is BDO TW screenshot by use TEST4 merge file.


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Re: Working on v0.8

Postby KAMIKADzE » Mon 2018.02.05, 23:21

jicsmart wrote:Why so fast? o_O just 1 minute. (actually less than 30 seconds,sir : CPU AMD FX6300)

Why not? I knew that it'll be like that and told so numerous times, just never got around implementing it (for example found that post via search). There are many things I'd like to improve in BDO Patcher and overall Launcher, but for now Launcher is just a negative income hobby, and I simply can't treat it otherwise.
jicsmart wrote:Can you explain more? no verify or skip something?

I think I didn't really get your question, but in case I did - TEST 4 uses new format, which I've mentioned in the previous post. The "old" format can be used for many tasks, you can call it extremely versatile. This "New" format I designed specifically for a fast operations between set of tables or single tables with structures similar to what BDO uses. In other words - "old" format is like a multi-tool, while "new" format has a lot smaller range of use cases, but is way better at those.
jicsmart wrote:below is BDO TW screenshot by use TEST4 merge file.


Any problems here? Don't seem like there is any from the provided SS. If it's just for the feedback - I've actually asked to check if it results in the same thing as the old "Merge Data v2 except HTT" button, that's what I'm interested in. You can use something like WinMerge to compare results quickly.

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