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Happy New Alpaca (2022) Year!

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Blood Mage
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Happy New Alpaca (2022) Year!

Postby KAMIKADzE » Fri 2021.12.31, 10:00

Alpaca for each and every Shai. I'm Alpaca, you're Alpaca, Alpacas everywhere. Alpaca Alpaca.
The hardest part was to catch the snowfall, where I needed it. No idea why devs want to remove Alpaca after the winter, maybe they want to make it a yearly event or something, but at the same time a bunch of Alpacas, collected with years, won't hurt anyone, so if the players will be vocal then maybe they'll reconsider this decision.

The ending year flew by quite fast, at least for me, it was quite a spectacle, both IRL and MMO worlds. It was definitely fun to watch many players jumping on the DOA MMORPG projects and relatively quickly returning to their previous MMORPG or moving out of genre completely, but that does show the scale of demand for the new MMORPG, yet the chance of us seeing one, any time soon, is quite slim, just due to the required scale/complexity/investment in order to rival the existing ones (obviously I'm not including mobile MMORPGs, those will definitely continue to popup one after the other, unless those reskinned copypastas will stop printing money, and that doesn't seem like it'll happen any time soon). I definitely don't want to touch the IRL stuff this year *FACEPALM*, as THAT amount of worldwide stupidity will take me days and you'll skip that wall of text anyway =D. As for our was quite stable this year, consistent rise of forum visitors has finally plateaued, no big shifts between visitors locations, and of course the most stable out of everything - Chinese DDoS attacks =D still makes me wonder why they keep wasting resources, when they're obviously unsuccessful. The incoming Alpaca, I mean 2022, year is already promising with a bunch of good RPGs on the horizon. This new year does seem like it's going to shake things up a bit in many aspects of our lives, be sure to be there and turn it all into something good.

As always, thank you for being a part of our DoTA community. Special thanks to LithStud and buzarini for continued self-devotion to BDO community.

My best wishes and Happy New Year, to all of our forum members and visitors! I'll see you in the next year *THUMBUP*
Happy New 2022 Year! *FIREWORK*

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