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[Update] v2.0.0d

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[Update] v2.0.0d

Postby KAMIKADzE » Tue 2015.07.14, 00:32

Act 4 Boss Fight Changes:
The final boss now has 33% less life on Normal, and 17% less life on Cruel.
The final boss now has fewer area effects on Normal and Cruel difficulties.
The damage of some skills performed by the final boss have been reduced slightly, especially against minions.
The final boss's mortar degeneration ground has been reduced in the last portion of the fight in Normal and Cruel difficulties.
The Corrupted Lightning Beam attack used by the boss in the penultimate area now does significantly less damage to minions.
Fixed a rare bug where a heart would fail to open in the final boss fight.

Tempest Changes:
We will continue to balance Tempests so that they are rewarding to play in. While many of the higher-level ones grant generous bonuses (guaranteed uniques, vaal fragments, 10 tormented spirits, exiles everywhere, items dropping corrupted, etc), we want players to have to make a risk-or-reward decision even for low-level Tempests.

Areas currently affected by Tempests now have a 10% Item Quantity bonus.
Tempests no longer occur in the final area of Cruel difficulty. They already didn't occur there in Normal difficulty.
Removed Vaal Ice Nova from the Arctic Tempest.
Elemental and chaos damage themed Tempest suffixes no longer affect the damage dealt by monsters in that area. They also create less dense ground effects.
The old elemental versions of these suffixes can still appear in maps, but with different names. (Tempest of Combustion, Tempest of Winter, Tempest of Fulmination)
The old chaos version (now called Tempest of Contamination) no longer affects damage dealt by monsters, but still has the full ground effect.

Other Fixes:
Fixed a bug where Key Pickup wouldn't work sometimes.
Fixed a Warbands instance crash related to one of the Redblade Flamelords.
Fixed a bug where legacy leech prefixes did not show their prefix name on magic items.
Fixed various other rare server crashes.

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