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Working on v0.7b

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Re: Working on v0.7b

Postby KAMIKADzE » Wed 2017.03.29, 00:30

Another update on the progress. Basically projects are almost complete. I still need to add Parser for button actions (not a lot of time and easy to add), throw the default project's UI and tie it with the loaded project (currently working on that thing, also easy in theory), add a way to load/change used project for all servers, add Schemes list.
Probably I could finish it all + test it within 1 day, but as always IDK when I'll have time for all of that, not in the nearest 3 days that's for sure.

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Re: Working on v0.7b

Postby KAMIKADzE » Wed 2017.04.26, 19:22

Launcher v0.7a5 dev got few fixes, improvements and almost complete Projects that will be currently hidden.

This update is mainly for THAT issue, and it includes the addition of languagedata txt files to internal FEX of TW (languagedata_tw in FEX) as well as EU/NA client (languagedata_en, languagedata_de, languagedata_fr in FEX), which got that change today, to allow extraction and force patching of those files. As I've mentioned in THAT post - I'll add somekind of conversion between txt and xlsm (it's not that straight forward) as well as merging cycle for txt at some later point in time (not going to give any ETA at this point).
I've also checked if JP got that file - no it doesn't, so probably it won't be changed on the next week.

You can redownload it through the same link. It also shipped with the latest scheme and KAMI project.

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Re: Working on v0.7b

Postby KAMIKADzE » Sun 2017.04.30, 23:47

Updated Launcher v0.7a5 dev with various changes and things related to all sort of things (almost finished v0.7b, but few things are hidden).

This update is mainly for THAT issue, and it includes the addition of merging between new languagedata format ("Merge Data v2"), conversion from and to new txt format.
Currently there is no conversion from old format to new format, but you can convert txt => xml/xlsm, then copypaste similar tables, or rename tables+columns (either in old or new format) and merge those, you might also add KR columns to scheme as keys and then merge based on that, etc. etc. basically there are many variants, but none of them is perfect. Unfortunately not all tables keys were copy-pasted by devs.

Check out languagedatav2 in Scheme. I'm not sure yet if Region is key or value (I've asked volunteer to test it, but so far I had no reply regarding that test), so it might or might not crash the game if you edit it...who knows =D

xml to txt and txt to xml currently are tied to languagedata v2 scheme, so be careful when changing scheme, also understand that you're not going to convert v1 to xml and then proper txt version =D on the other hand you can covert txt => xml => xlsm without any problems, but it won't be equal to current(old) xlsm version, if you get what I mean.

You can redownload it through the same link. It also shipped with the latest scheme and KAMI project.

P.S. Confirmed that Region is not a key, so everything is correct.

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Re: Working on v0.7b

Postby KAMIKADzE » Sun 2017.05.21, 22:28

Well that was quite a while...finally got some time to work on it today.
v0.7b is almost there. Still need to add command handling and a new command for data v2 merging, other than that everything is done.
I will try to finish it sometime within the next 3 days. Depending on the release time, explanation of new stuff will be very limited or absent at all for some period of time. I might also release it with a couple of bugs (due to time constraints), which I will surely mention.

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Re: Working on v0.7b

Postby KAMIKADzE » Wed 2017.05.24, 06:02

A quick update of Launcher v0.7a5 dev for the recent JP change (added needed stuff to internal FEX).

Ignore the Project part, it's almost there (as I've said previously in this thread - it's almost done, hopefully I'll have the time to finish it today), but not completely, and also project itself is outdated.

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Re: Working on v0.7b

Postby KAMIKADzE » Wed 2017.05.24, 22:44

Haven't managed to finish it today completely, but I'll release v0.7b anyway. Also completely forgot to integrate external fex properly - that will be the next target (tired a little bit from rushing those projects) and after that I'll try to catch all bugs related to projects.

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